Note: Despite the voyeuristic qualities of the letter-writing format, entries on this blog are intended to be read and enjoyed by all. Feel free to comment, ask questions, etc.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dear Mia,

(I think this story could benefit from a little illustrating...)

Once upon a time there was a campervan named DangerDoom.

When DangerDoom was young, he had made many journeys all across Australia, but nowadays, he mostly sat in a caged parking lot guarded by his wicked owners on the outskirts of Sydney, dreaming about his glory days. Some might say that DangerDoom was a bit intimidating, due to his tough name and a rough exterior, but the truth is: DangerDoom also had a soft side.

One day, two unlikely friends, Adam and Denise, showed up at DangerDoom's wicked lair and invited him on one last cross Australia Adventure Extravaganza! DangerDoom was so excited that he promised them both that he would show them all of his favorite parts of the Southern coast of Oz. And to prove it, he took them straight away to the world famous Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge and Bondi Beach.

Over the next few days, as Denise and Adam explored the Blue Mountains and Melbourne, DangerDoom showed them all his tricks and secrets. Of course he was very proud of the fact that he came equipped with inside and outside eating areas, a propane stove, pump sink and kitchen storage. He also had secret compartments for storing bags and supplies, 4WD, and a nifty gauge that would make sure that he wouldn't overheat. He even had a BED!

There was so much to show, DangerDoom may have forgotten to share one little secret. But with all the excitement...who could blame him?  With all the scenery to discover on the Great Ocean Road, it's easy to forget a thing or two.

But eventually, DangerDoom's secret would have to come out...and just East of the South Australia border, it finally did: Uh..oh... Electrical problems!

DangerDoom didn't mean it, but everytime Adam flicked on the brights, DangerDoom fell asleep for about 2 seconds.  hmmmmm.... And then the next day, DangerDoom was SO sleepy, he had to be given a jolt every time he stopped driving. Even if it was just to get gas!  Well, with no delay, Adam and Denise took DangerDoom straight to Adelaide to have him looked at in the Wicked clinic. While Adam and Denise enjoyed the parks and markets of Adelaide, DangerDoom got a little bit of R&R...(and a new electrical thingy). Phew! Let's get back on the road again!

But first, a quick stop off in Kimba! One of DangerDoom's favorite roadside wonders!

At long last, came the part of the cross-Australia Adventure Extravaganza that many without DangerDoom's courage and experience would dread...the Nullarbor! This 2000 km stretch of flat bushland is just what the name would imply: Null arbor...No Trees!  (and no towns, and no people, and no radio stations, and pretty much no nothin'):

And while it may have started off all smiles, as the km's racked up...Adam and Denise started to wonder:

Would they make it the long distance?

Could they avoid the treacherous local wildlife?

Are there really camels in Australia?

And did DangerDoom have any more sneaky secrets under his hood?

To be continued......

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