Note: Despite the voyeuristic qualities of the letter-writing format, entries on this blog are intended to be read and enjoyed by all. Feel free to comment, ask questions, etc.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Dear 2010,

It's 6:00 AM.  December 31st, 2010.  The last day of a year which began with floating lanterns in a small town in Northwest Thailand and will come to a close over champagne on the balcony of a friend's East London apartment.  For now, however, I am lying wide-awake in my bed in West London with a severe case of jetlag and a sudden urge to take a survey of what has been the most transitional and certainly the most peripatetic (look it up) year of my life to date.

American Abroad - Some movies which feature Americans traveling abroad: The Talented Mr. Ripley, Hostel, Brokedown Palace, The Beach.  My year has been like that, minus all the gruesome murder and jail time.  
Big Friendly Dog - Just a head's up: if you're cycling near a wooded area and you see a big friendly dog running straight toward may in fact be a bear.  But don't worry, I found out recently that B.I.cycle carries bear spray.  Just in Case.
Century of Centuries - 100 mile bike ride in 100 degree weather in 1 day.  Bam. Gator Bite and Zeke: 1.  Common sense: 0.
Dale Simmons - Have you met this girl?  You'll laugh your ass off...and luckily for me, she was my saving grace my first few weeks/months in London.
Eleven - Countries visited
Fifty-Two Kilravock St. - The most lovely bunch of people I could ever imagine living with in London.
G-A-Y - The only place where you can see Katie Waissel perform live in front of hundreds of screaming gays.  And Mark Pesavento get really really into crappy gay pop.
Hiking - Why do I ALWAYS have to poop on the way back down?
Islands - Spent a lot of time on Islands this year: Koh Tao, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Singapore, Java, Bali, Lombok, Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, Sumbawa, Flores, Tasmania, Iceland, Great Britain, and of course...Beautiful Bainbridge Island.
Justin&Emily - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Kangaroos - Saw 'em.  Ate 'em.
Loss - Sadly, my grandmother passed away on Christmas day this year.  It is a great loss for my family, and especially for my mother.  Loss, but also Love.
Manual transmission - I won't go as far as to say I learned how to drive stickshift this year...
but I will say I drove it.
Niece - Got to hang with the bro and Evan this summer.  Favorite memories: all of them.
Open Heart Surgery - My dad had two potentially life threatening surgeries this year, and managed to coast through both of them like a real trooper.  He's basically now the bionic man.
Petronas Towers - So tall.  
Queen's Park Farmer's Market - I officially gave up my pescadarianism this year to become what I call a "Conscientious eater."  Eating responsibly sourced, organic meats and produce, and cooking most meals has been a huge boost for my conscience and my health. 
Restroom - Best bar name ever...and the site of my 2010 New Year Countdown.
Staph Infection - Something I learned this year: always treat coral scratches as if they are infected.  7 months later, after about 6 isolated breakouts and about 10 different courses of insufficient antibiotics...I managed to kick the bastard.  Knock on wood.
Trigger fish - Advanced Open Water 'em your guns!
UCL - So, so, so happy to be back in school, in a discipline I love.  All that 2009 scrambling with applications definitely paid off.
Vows -  Flew to Kansas for Tim and Jill's wedding.  The wedding was wonderful...the Embassy Suites was the real show stopper.
Washington - Despite my incessant wandering, I managed to root myself in my home state for 4 months this summer, and as my friend in the airport pointed out: I'm a true blue Washingtonian.
X-Factor - Two words: Katie Waissel
Year-end - As the end of 2010 draws nigh, I can't help but be thankful for all the wonderful friends and family who have helped me, supported me, loved me, taught me, given me, and shown me so much love and happiness this year.  Tonight I will raise my glass to 2010 and to my travel companions, my friends new and old, my family, and myself.  
Zed -  Hynam gave me shit when I called it A to Zee.

Happy New Year Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. So, I'm a little late; But Happy New Year AND Happy Groundhog Day! This was a great way to start off my snow day. I feel like I need to be super productive now.
