Note: Despite the voyeuristic qualities of the letter-writing format, entries on this blog are intended to be read and enjoyed by all. Feel free to comment, ask questions, etc.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dear Faithful Readers,

Hey everyone!  As you have probably noticed, my blog has fallen a bit behind real time, and with less than 2 weeks left before I return to Seattle, I have made the executive decision to spend the rest of my time focusing on making the most of my trip (rather than fighting unreliabel internet connections and painfully slow photo uploads).

But don't fret!  I will have plenty of free time when I get home to fill everyone in on my experiences in Vietnam this month--which have certainly been a highlight of my trip.

Lastly, I figured I would take this time to officially announce that I have made the decision to take off overseas again in the fall!  I will begin graduate studies in medical anthropology at University College London in September.  I am certainly looking forward to the big move, and all the continuing adventures it will be sure to bring.

Thank you again to everyone that has been following my blog...and be sure to check back in a couple of weeks to read all about Vietnam (and a special one-day side trip to a mystery location!)



  1. WHERE IS THE MYSTERY LOCATION!!?!?!?!?!?!????

  2. Congrats on London!!! That's amazing!!!! Hopefully a visit to the New England area before you leave????? Miss you!
