Note: Despite the voyeuristic qualities of the letter-writing format, entries on this blog are intended to be read and enjoyed by all. Feel free to comment, ask questions, etc.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dear Becky Haynes,

In 3rd grade, I wrote a gripping report on "The Eastern Grey Kangaroo."  Now, it may not have sold a million copies, but after working tirelessly to cut out photocopies of kangaroos and paste them to multi-colored construction paper, I must admit that Miss Connelly deemed it worthy of  a check/plus (that's right...a check/PLUS). Frankly, I'm kind of an expert on the matter.  So you can imagine my sheer joy upon touching Australian soil*** for my first time and beginning what shall hitherto be reffered to as: 

 (feel free to clap)

At the airport I met my co-conspirator and local terrain expert, Megan Iskov.  With no time to waste we hit the road and headed North-East into roo country.  My eyes were peeled as we headed through open farm land, or what the locals refer to it as "the bush."  Third grade research had told me it would take a keen eye and super intuitive knowledge to spot one of these graceful creatures.  What third grade research left out, is that I would see multiple "sleeping" on the side of the road all the way to Wangaratta... 

Of course, "sleeping" kangaroos don't count in:


so on we drove.  Carefully.  The next day, Megan had the brilliant idea of heading up to the top of Mount Pilot to get a survey of the territory.  Perhaps with a little luck we might spot a roving band of roos down below down under.  (get it?)  No Roos, but we did get a spectacular view:

And our first big break in the case:

Fresh roo marks!  We were on the right track.  After the hike, we headed back to basecamp:  Doon Kuna Farm in Byawatha, Victoria...and home to the most welcoming and wonderful family I could ever have imagined.  So inviting in fact that the whole lot of them joined 


dedicating their time and efforts to finding an Eastern Grey.  Barbed wire be damned....we were going to find one.

However, after a series of failed foot-based expeditions, I decided it was time to step it up...and hit the backroads on wheels.  Surely, with speed on my side, I would be able to track one down.

Biking on unsealed roads in the heat of the Australian sun is a slightly different endeavour than the New England roadbiking I am accustomed to...but with a little extra effort, I made it about 10 miles out into the mountains to a little place called:  Kangaroo Crossing. 

Truly, prospects were grim.  Meanwhile, back at Doon Kuna, a plan of attack was hatching.  Apparently, sunset is the best time to see wild kangaroos; as most of the day they stay hidden, resting in the shade.  With the 4-wheel drive freshly back from the shop...we weren't going to leave anything to chance.  If only we could just get some sort of sign, something to tell us we were on the right track.  And then it happened, yes, the moment you have all been eagerly waiting for:

Roo Poo!!!!!!!!

Spirits refreshed, Megan and I set out toward where the sun ducked behind the Warbies.  In no time at all, we chanced upon a small group of Eastern Greys just off the side of the road.  

(Photo thanks to Megan Iskov)
And with that,


came to a spectacular close.  


Since the end of the great kangaroo hunt,  I have grown very close to the kangaroos (practically becoming one myself) and while I still have yet to make into the pouch, Becky....I have very high hopes that with time, I will be taken in as "just one of the roos" 

*** Unfortunately, Australia also meant parting ways with my two-month travel companions, Justin and Emily. Many many thanks to both for helping me get on my backpacker feet.  I miss you guys and hope that your travels have continued to be as amazing as mine were with you!


  1. love it! Tell Megan hello!!!

  2. roooooozle hunt! let us know if you see any wombats, the only ones we found were suuuper "asleep." hope megan and fam are great and that you're still living it up despite our absence. P.S. NZ gave us a super-sick Ghostbusters van with Slimer on the side. so we got a little redemption for crazy cow car, phew.
